涉足出口活动的企业将不可避免地遇到《皇冠365app下载》(ITAR)所引起的监管问题。, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), or both. Not only can non-compliance subject companies to serious civil and criminal penalties, 但在最坏的情况下,它也可能导致出口限制和通过同意协议强加的合规要求,这可能会扰乱企业的运营.

在将这些有时复杂的法规应用于您的业务运营时,了解ITAR和EAR的参数至关重要. 在a的帮助下 robust certification program, 您和您的公司将拥有处理您和您的团队成员在您的角色范围内将面临的常见和不寻常的出口遵从性问题所需的基本模块.

How 出口合规 认证 Programs Can Help Candidates

Export compliance is a complex field with many nuances. Surprisingly, however, training options addressing ITAR and EAR issues are limited. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) does offer occasional seminars, 会议, and high-level educational videos 在其网站上. The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, on the other hand, offers only basic information about ITAR and the U.S. Munitions List (USML), and occasional licensing-related webinars.

幸运的是, tailor-made certification programs for ITAR and EAR exist. 当你和你的员工努力理解和实施这些规则时,这些程序会产生很大的不同, as well as match candidates’ capabilities with appropriate credentials. ITAR和EAR合规性认证计划在这方面可以提供帮助的一些方法包括:

  • Creating Enhanced Career Opportunities. Indeed.com承认 对于那些难以从处境相似的候选人中做出选择的雇主来说,这些证书可以起到举足轻重的作用,也可以为加薪和晋升铺平道路. 经过审查的出口合规认证项目有助于向潜在雇主和商业伙伴展示,您具有帮助公司做出具有挑战性决策所需的经验和敏锐.
  • Filling in critical export-related educational and knowledge gaps. There is no government-endorsed export compliance certification. Third party ITAR and EAR certification programs, coupled with rigorous testing components, 能否帮助您填补和解决教育缺口,并加强组织的日常出口合规计划.
  • Helping your team members identify and mitigate compliance risks for your company. Due to how EAR and ITAR are drafted, 企业可能会发现自己陷入与出口相关的困境,而不需要在国际上运送实物. ITAR’s definition of “export,” 例如, encompasses the performance of defense services on behalf of, or for the benefit of, 外国人, and also includes any transfer of technical data to foreign persons in the United States. 与训练有素的专业人员一起工作,经验丰富的这些法规的细微差别将帮助你更好地在你的工作中解决相关问题.
  • Mitigating your chances for misclassifying products. 公司 do have the option to submit a commodity jurisdiction (CJ) request to DDTC or a commodity classification request through BIS’s SNAP-R portal to request agency guidance on how to classify specific items. Ideally, however, 出口商应该有能力绕过这些流程,独立地对物品进行自我分类. If companies decide to self-classify products on their own, 他们应该有必要的技术培训和USML和EAR的商业控制清单(CCL)的知识,以确定他们的产品适合在哪里. 认证计划可以帮助您的团队做出符合BIS和DDTC指南的明智分类决策.


How to Get the Most Out of Your 出口合规 认证 Programs

获得认证可以作为您了解复杂出口法规和许可要求的有用证明. However, 你的参与和参与对于你从项目中得到多少同样重要. As cliché as it sounds, a certification program is only as good as the work you put into it. With the right attitude and a proactive approach, 您可以利用您的认证计划提供的许多优势来实现不可估量的结果和知识. Some of the ways you can maximize the impact of your certification program include:

  • Attend Your Seminars in Person. For one, you should seriously consider attending an 现场研讨会. 这样做可以帮助你专注于主题,并与教你的经验丰富的老师互动. 亲自参加还可以让你问问题来澄清你可能不理解的地方, 加深您对关键出口管制原则在实际应用中的理解.
  • Engage With Your Colleagues in the Room. 亲自参加会议还有一个更被低估的好处,那就是有能力与其他与会者交谈. In a live classroom setting, 你可以更多地了解你的同龄人所面临的挑战,听到他们的问题和讨论. 这些对话可以让你对如何处理问题有一个额外的看法,这是你从皇冠365官方app上永远无法获得的.
  • Fully Work Through the Case Studies. 你在课程中发现的每个主题和案例研究都与你的公司在出口商品时最终可能面临的现实问题有一定的根源或联系. By fully digesting and working through the materials, 当你回到日常工作中,你会注意到关键的模式和可防御的解决方案. 当然, 您将学习的所有信息都将帮助您为认证考试做准备.

To meet the needs of the export community, ECTI offers two export compliance (ECoP®) certification programs 个人可以追求获得所需的技能,以更好地指导他们的公司解决广泛的出口问题. 皇冠365官方app的项目的独特之处在于,他们允许参与者参加适用的为期两天的EAR/OFAC和ITAR贸易管制研讨会或大学出口管制研讨会, all of which offer in-person training by established compliance professionals. Each program also features a robust testing component, 要求参与者在考试中获得85%或更高的分数,以评估候选人如何使用实际的解决方案和专业知识来处理常见的许可问题. Our programs also include unique tracks geared for U.S. companies and organizations based abroad.

点击这里 了解皇冠365官方app即将举办的培训活动,以及皇冠365官方app的现场课程如何帮助您提高ITAR和EAR合规技能.

皇冠365官方app希望本文能够帮助您了解出口合规认证的重要性,以及如何将其应用于您的公司. As we said earlier, export compliance is a complex and detailed undertaking. 贵公司的投资依赖于100%遵守所有适用的出口法规和控制. 也就是说, it is absolutely achievable—you can do it, 前提是你事先花必要的时间与一个已建立并广受好评的人保持一致 export compliance training partner who can guide you step by step toward compliance success.

Contact the 出口合规 Training Institute

Do you have questions about getting started with export compliance certification, or other export compliance challenges for your company? Visit ritchiecenter.babieslovemusic.com to learn about our company, our faculty, our staff and our esteemed 出口合规 Professional (ECoP®) certification program. 找到即将到来的 e-seminars现场研讨会 and 生活皇冠365官方app, and to browse our catalog of 80-plus on-demand webinarsvisit our ECTI Academy. 您也可以致电皇冠365官方app540-433-3977了解更多信息.

斯科特Gearity is President of ECTI, Inc.
